Weekend Writing Warriors: Something dark came in my direction

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Hello again, friends! Time for another story excerpt for the Weekend Writing Warriors Sunday blog hop! A bunch of us get together to post snippets of no more than 10 sentences from our own works then hop around to each other’s blogs to leave comments, support each other, and maybe find a new favorite author.

Skipping ahead a little after last week’s post. Father John told Devorah a piece of unusual artwork was found hidden in St. Benedict’s church, and it’s suddenly become very important that she and Kazimir keep it away from the local demons. Kaz goes to the rectory to see if he can find the artwork while Devorah returns to the apartment they share. She’s had a tough day so she fixes a cup of tea and goes into the living room, intending to curl up on the velvet sofa. However — well, you’ll see! (Previous excerpts are here.) I should clarify that Adrael, as an angel, can transport people instantly but only one at a time. He can take people through windows without breaking the glass.

Movement in the corner of my eye made me turn. From the window across the room, something dark seemed to roll in my direction. It took on a human shape, still moving toward me. A deep, strangled moan from it made the hair on my neck stand up. The mug slipped from my hands, shattering on the hearth tiles, as I shrank against the wall.

Adrael knelt next to the form writhing on the floor. “Try to hold still so I can help you,” the angel said.   

My God, was that Kazimir? I crept closer. “What happened?”

Oh no! What terrible thing has befallen Kaz? Can Adrael or Devorah do anything to help him? shocked clip art PAID FOR IIWhy have I got a picture of rain at the top of the post? Because we haven’t had any rain in many weeks and I’m hoping sympathetic magic will attract some! Thanks for visiting my blog.

14 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors: Something dark came in my direction

  1. Kim and Charmaine, thanks so much. I always love seeing your names in my comments!

    Ian, it can be, except that Kazimir often complains that Adrael is none too gentle about it.

    Karen and Veronica, thanks! The next post or two will explain a bit about what happened.

    Ed, Kaz is a dramatic kind of guy, although in this instance it mostly couldn’t be helped.

    Christina, well, maybe – !

    Caitlin and Whitney, Kaz tends to think he can protect himself from anything but truth is, sometimes he can’t. And the fact that Adrael can only transport one person at a time can be inconvenient.

    Thanks for stopping in, everybody 😀


  2. I love the questions you add following your snippet. They help me as a reader understand where your writing is going. Gives me some ideas for my next post.


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